Change comes when we are challenged, by deep conversations, life obstacles, and new, different perspectives. In what areas of life do you want to grow, be inspired, feel energized and excited? Change is inevitable, but it is a choice to stay where you are or to move forward. How will you embrace change and flourish in it?
My dear friend Joan Fernandez and I decided to shift the conversation - go deep or go home! You can view the conversation "Conversation with Purpose" here. What does meaningful conversation look like to you? Are you willing to get uncomfortable in the name of change and have meaningful conversation with purpose? Start with these questions* and see where the journey takes you!
We invite you on this journey to change - Actually this is a CHALLENGE TO CHANGE!
Our goal is to go from our 1 hour of deep conversation to 1000. WE NEED YOU! Let’s bring more connection when we feel distant, more love when we feel consumed by hate, more joy when sadness seems to cover everything. Unwrap your heart, let it shine, be brave, let's do this!
Have a conversation with a friend, record and share on FB, tag Joan and I, and see the shift happen!
This is about Purpose NOT perfection. BE real, BE vulnerable, BE you. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!
*The questions:
- How do you use your focus to create the reality that you seek?
- What was your biggest challenge this year and how did you navigate through it?
- Why is community important to you?
- What’s next?