Welcome to the first part of the Chakra Series! Each chakra corresponds with a course in the 7-part Love in Action intenSati series.
Let’s begin by answering a common question: What is a chakra? A chakra is a center of energy that affects our physical and emotional well being. Each chakra is correlated with an area of the body and a color, but is nonphysical and cannot be seen. Chakras have been depicted as “wheels” or spinning disks of energy, and are often illustrated as circles aligned on the body.
This series will provide a basic overview and guide to of each of the 7 chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.
The Root Chakra
The first chakra is the root chakra. The root chakra is the beginning of our life journey; like a tree, we plant our roots and grow from the ground up. This chakra manifests itself in our feet, legs, and large intestine, and is represented by the color red. It is associated with being grounded, safe, stable, having our basic needs cared for, and self love.
It is significant that we begin with the root chakra, as it reinforces the idea that we cannot separate ourselves from our physical bodies. Our basic needs — food, water, sleep, shelter, and safety — are necessary for our physical bodies to survive. Without these elements, it is difficult to focus on our higher, psychological needs.
An imbalance of the root chakra may stem from a lack of basic needs. If one grew up in a environment where they felt unsafe or neglected, they may have trouble caring for themselves or feeling safe in their adult life.
Imbalance also correlates with a lack of security financially and emotionally. One who has an imbalanced root chakra might be anxious about money, survival, and being cared for. On the other hand, an overactive root chakra is displayed with greed and selfishness.
An imbalanced root chakra may manifest as physical discomfort in one’s legs, feet, hips, and spine. It is also associated with physical ailments, like weight issues, arthritis, and cancer, to name a few.
Our root chakras are balanced when we feel safe and supported. When our basic survival needs are met, we are able to grow upwards from our roots and focus on receiving nourishment in other areas of our lives to become our best selves. This includes mindfulness, personal growth, the ability to make sound decisions and handle change, and a feeling of strength and acceptance.
We can achieve a balanced root chakra with “structure, routine, trust and personal responsibility.” Creating a routine in our days leaves us more time to focus on important decisions and self compassion. Some examples include a consistent sleep schedule, grounding in journaling and meditation, and preparing the night before for a smooth day ahead.
It is also important to take care of your basic needs — shelter and health. Some tips for taking care of your home are cleaning, de-cluttering, having plants, redecorating or renovating, and inviting close friends over for a meal. Maintaining your daily diet and exercise, like drinking water, cooking, eating 3 healthy meals a day, and community exercising (like intenSati!) also help to balance your root chakra.
Lastly, it is vital to take care of your mind. Reduce stress and worry by remaining mindful, separating yourself from your thoughts, sending love and validation to yourself (as you would to a friend), grounding yourself with breath work, and meditating.
Balancing the root chakra with self love, grounding yourself, meeting your basic needs, and taking care of your physical and mental health, is the first step in creating conscious living!
Let’s take a journey through the chakras together in the Love In Action intenSati series.Check out this preview of the first part, “I Belong,” which focuses on the root chakra, to get started:
The information in this article was gathered from a root chakra guide in the intenSati Love In Action series and http://www.SatiLife.com.