What a Difference a Day Makes!

What A Difference A Day Makes!

What's your dream?

What calls to you as you lie in bed at night, thinking of your dream life?

What wishes, hopes, and dreams that seem to be unfulfilled, continously living in 'dreamland'?

I know, you're thinking - "it's no big deal. That's not real life. It's just a dream. I need to be practical." 

Let me ask you something, how many super practical people do you know that are over the top happy, satisfied and loving their life?

I see a lot of practical people trying to 'make it' to retirement, making enough money to religiously pay their bills each month staying within the lines, not reaching to high as to stay safe and not be dissapointed. 

Most people, when they reach their 'finish line' regret the things they didn't do, the risks they didn't take. 

I don't believe that dreams were meant to be out of reach, child's play, something we just want but never achieve. That sounds so sad! A life wasted on regret! 
It's the small steps each day, the 1% improvement 1 day at a time. And most importantly, love yourself like your life depended on it. 
Because it does! I want to share 3 of my favorite daily inspired action to get to that dream - make it real for yourself:
1. meditation
2. move your body
3. journal 

Not sure how or what to journal, check out my YES! YES! Journal ~ just 33 days at a time. Get it here!

Manifest With Friends!

Manifest With Friends!
The most difficult and the most rewarding work you will ever do, is to work you do on yourself. 

And yes, for those parents out there - this is even bigger than parenting! I know this because I have 4 boys, including twins, and I am a personal development expert ~ I teach it, practice it, and live it. 

Remember there's no perfection - delete that from your vocabulary. Certain things are uncertain. Perfection is not only uncertain, it is really untrue. We have created this idea around the concept of perfection in that we do no wrong, never screw up and never fail.

Here's the new meaning of perfection (try it out!) ~ You show up. You do your best.  You be authentically you. You love yourself with all the pieces (wanted and unwanted). You thrive in your genius. 

People often ask me how I do it. How do I stay happy, confident, at ease when I am working with people every day and helping them get through their problems. 

I Do The Work!

I take time off. I play. I meditate. I journal. 

And most important, I have my community of friends and colleagues that support and cheer each other on! 

Manifesting with Friends will spark joy and creativity in you and bring you more success in all that you do. We even started a Morning Money Study ~ juicy stuff! One of the most emotional topics to get in touch with!


You're all invited! this group is open to to you. Check it out, and join this amazing community. Remember, the more good we have, the more good we can share! Check it out!

Life Doesn't Happen from the Sidelines

Life Doesn't Happen From The Sidelines

This is a big shout out to a friend, colleague and podcast guru! 

I met Mischa in Northern Ireland at a castle. We were attending the ENE speakers international event. Mischa was our official videographer, photographer, and storyteller. 

After meeting him and seeing his amazing work, I decided to join his Influencer Army and learn some high level tools to be the best podcast guest I could be. 

We all have a message, but how do we convey it with confidence, clarity and conviction to what we believe in. 

Here's what I learned while being a part of Mischa's group and learning to show up and speak my truth:

1. How to formulate an email application to a podcast.
2. the simple steps to talk about what I do and who I serve.
3. support from like minded, heart-centered community.
4. Bonus: confidence to show up and speak with conviction my mission in life!

Ever thought about being on a podcast? Have a story to share? (I know you do). Our experiences are meant to not only transform us, but others as well. 

My cancer journey wasn't meant to be a secret, something to hide and forget (yes, many times I wanted to hide away with it). After sharing my story, seeing the tears in the eyes of my audience, hearing the feedback "this means so much to me, thank you! Now I have the courage to take my next step forward."

If you are ready and you feel that nudge to speak, check out Mischa's upcoming podcast program: www.badzuck.com - Tell him I sent you! You will love his energy and dedication to seeing you succeed!

Take Back Your Power!

In a recent blog post, the author discusses the importance of living with intention and not just going through the motions in life. They highlight how distractions and giving power to external tools can hinder us from achieving our dreams and goals. The post offers simple steps to bring more ease and power back into our days, such as setting boundaries for when to answer texts and taking time to tune in to ourselves. The author also encourages readers to look in the mirror each morning and affirm that they are in control of how they want to feel and show up each day. Additionally, the post mentions a masterclass that provides tools for shifting into our best selves and invites readers to join the waitlist for further information.

Stop Talking About What You Don't Want

Stop Talking About What You Don't Want!

Do you notice the negative talk lately? Complaints, judgements, criticism. Maybe it's about your family, friends, co-workers, and even about yourself. 

There's nothing wrong with noticing what you don't want.

Now it's time to move on. 

I got into coaching after my clients kept telling me "you're not a therapist, you're a coach". Back in the early 2000's, coaches were in football, baseball and other sports. I had no idea what they were talking about. And then they shared.....

"you don't let me stay stuck in what I don't want. I don't get to come in here every week and just complain. (heck no!) You help me see possibility. You show me that I have choices, that I can decided what to do in my life, create what I want. 

Well of course! Isn't that what's it's all about - creating positive change? 

Apparently not all therapists work this way. 

And this might be why so many of my clients are living their best life - reaching their goals, having loving relationships, traveling, creating a life they love. 

It's possible for you too! You have to shift your energy, thoughts, and attention to what you Do want, and stop feeding what you DON'T want.

I can teach you how: join The Image Shift Coaching Program and watch yourself transform!

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