Divine Timing is the Right Timing

Divine Timing is the Right Timing

I have yet to hear a person say "I am really good at being patient". 

My teachers and mentors teach it, and appear to live it. 

How many of you can say "yes I am so patient, I love waiting for all my desires to manifest into physical form."

We often rush to the finish line just so we can mark that next thing off the list of accomplishments. That feels so superficial. The joy seems to be lost in the bustle and hurry. 

One of my favorite teachers, Esther and Abraham Hicks shared this that really resonated with me: "do you really want to eat all the cake that would ever get in your lifetime right now? All in one sitting, devour it all at once?" 

Heck No! I want chocolate cake in all it's delicious forms sprinkled throughout my life!

Isn't that how all of our joys, accomplishments and celebrations ought to be? What's the hurry? We're all quite aware of our ultimate finish line in this physical experience, why rush it?

I want to share with you my angel guidance today on Divine Timing. Take this with you and allow all good to come in it's right order. xoxo

Divine Timing: pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now. Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut. 

Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that. However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Diving Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation. Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it's simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude. 

Unlock the power of Divine Timing and manifest a life filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Take this guidance with you, and watch as your desires manifest in the most divine and perfect timing. 

lead with love,

Always Leave an Impression of Increase Wherever You Go

Always Leave an Impression of Increase Wherever You Go

I was told by my teacher to "always leave with the impression of increase. Have every person feel better because they are in your presence".

I am often told that I bring a sense of joy and light to situations. I bring a positivity to conversations and ideas. 

When I was young, my family moved from an industrial area near Detroit, out to the country. I was in the 3rd grade and still lived in the idea of imagination and creativity, as most 3rd graders do. It was a dark, starry night in the middle of summer. I remember lying in this expansive field of tall grass that was now my own back yard. Lying on my back, gazing up at the stars - these shimmering speckles of light against a blanket of black sky. This thought came to me (or from me) "anything is possible!" 

That was a pivotal moment in my life. It was the first moment that I recall knowing and believing deep in my soul that anything I choose for my life is possible. There is nothing I can't do! The world is limitless! 

I continue to live, breathe, and feel this deep in my core. It is this knowing that has taken me to NYC for intenSati leader training. It's how I found myself speaking in a castle in Northern Ireland. And I can only imagine what adventures lie ahead! 

Maybe some of your ideas look a bit different. Maybe you want to go back to school and learn a new skill. Or study abroad. Maybe you want to buy that first home you've been looking at on your vision board.

Nothing is too big or too small. Remember, all things are possible!

Notice the excitement that rises up in you when you get to thinking about it. 

How exciting, right? What is the possibility you see in your life? How do you bring that level of positivity and possibility to your conversations and interactions? 

Want to dig deeper, mine for that gold within? Schedule a call today! 

Unleash Your Inner Voice

Unleash Your Inner Voice

I'm standing in the front of the class, excited to give my presentation and also scared to death that I will screw it up. My face and neck are red, I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest, my palms are sweaty.

I did it! Got my grade, maybe not an A but, good enough! 

When's the next one? Any school performance, project or presentation, I signed up for. Was I perfect? Absolutely not. For goodness sakes I was a teenager in high school! I was learning, finding my footing, terrified and having fun at the same time. 

There was something about speaking that I really had fun with. I remember during the times I was in dance class and cheerleading, I would get home, set up the picnic table in the yard and ask for an audience of my parents and siblings to come watch so that I could practice. 

You see, my first career choice was going to be an MTV dancer! Do you remember when MTV was simply music videos (for all of you growing up in the 80's)? I dreamed of being in one of those videos - dancing, moving, sweating! What a dream!

So I practiced, I got good, and I was passionate about what I wanted to do. No, you won't see me in any MTV music video from the 80's. But you may have seen me speaking at a castle in Northern Ireland, or at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. Maybe you've  heard me on one of the many podcasts I've been hosted on to share my story. Or maybe you have attended one of my intenSati classes. 

The path may not have gone the way I expected it to, but it has been the journey that has been amazing. 

Who ever thinks about speaking in a castle!!?!? The unexpected is sometimes the most exciting times in life. 

You may not have the dream to speak on a stage to hundreds of people, or teach a class. I do know for certain you have a message to share with the world. You matter! You are worthy! And you are here for a purpose. 

How ever you decide to live and speak you truth, here are 3 keys to guide you along your journey of living your best life and letting your worthiness shine through!

1. be in the right room - it's not worth sharing your dreams and goals with someone who won't support you. Get really honest with yourself about who will encourage you and cheer you on to succeed. 
2. stop letting fear run the show - All the excuses you can come up with to NOT do what you truly desire, is just fear getting in the way. Decide to be excited for the adventure of the journey rather than fearing what could go wrong. Fear is just a feeling - it doesn't define you. Don't let it dictate your happiness.
3. believe in yourself - you and only you can decide how far you want to go in this life. You have to be your biggest cheerleader first and foremost. Yes, it's practice, persistence and the power from within you to move in the direction of your dreams. 

Let's chat and see how I can help you reach your goals and truly believe in yourself!

I AM so Grateful!

I AM So Grateful!
Do this one thing every day and watch your world shift!

It was January 2018 NYC, intenSati new years event. This was my first event as an intenSati Leader to be front and center leading a room of 200+ participants in the series "I can do hard things" one of my favorite series!  Not only am I ready, I am bubbling over like a giddy child, excited to shout out affirmations " I can do hard thing! I am stronger than before!"

I was so excited to be in this community of empowered women, leading from the heart and showing up as the best version of ourselves. 
Standing in the front row with about 11 other leaders, facing the crowd of students ready and willing to "do hard things". 

This was a life changing experience for me. Another trip from Michigan to NYC to spend the day with my mentor, teacher and someone I admire who created a practice that would continue to be the foundation of all that I do, teach and live.

The day was coming to a close, a team of us were packing up the rest of the t-shirts, journals, and other memorabilia from the event. As we were leaving, I asked P (that was Patricia's nickname), "why didn't we sell 'Wake Up and Win' shirts, they're awesome!" Her response - "this, we only made one. You can have it". 

Before I could say another word she was taking the shirt off her body and handing it to me. Her only words, "it might be a little sweaty from the day." I laughed, and felt giddy, a bit like a groupy catching a bandana or guitar pick tossed into the crowd from the singer on stage. That was P. She would give you the shirt off your back, with a smile, so kind, so gracious. I still have that shirt, will always remember that event.

Have you ever given the shirt off your back? Besides for my kids, on a chilly evening after playing in the sun all day. No, I have not. Have you? What would that feel like? Would you give the shirt off your back, just because? 

I challenge you today, and every day forward to give something every day and watch your world shift. It may be a simple smile to a stranger, or your leftovers to a  hungry person, buy someone flowers. Whatever it may be, commit to giving with gratitude and watch your world shift. 

Unwind Your Mind with these simple steps

Unwind Your Mind with These Simple Steps

The only power that you have lies within your mind. Your thoughts are powerful, they create your reality and it is the one thing you have complain domain over. 

I know that it doesn't always feel true. Sometimes our thoughts go so fast that we feel out of control. The mind races, our hearts pound, we can't seem to get it together. 

Victor Frankl, Austrian Psychiatrist and author of Man's Search for Meaning, states: between stimulus and response is a space, and in this space lies your power. 

This is where your genius lives.  In the quiet, calm, deep knowing of the stillness that is you. 

The practice is being aware of the space and allowing yourself to be there, to breathe, to be, and to know. 

I often tell my clients that you cannot be breathing deeply and experience a panic attack at the same time. It's just not possible. So we must be the masters of our breath and then we become the masters of our minds , choosing our thoughts and creating how we want to experience life. 

I invite you to begin by practicing every day to be, just be in the space between stimulus and response. It's simply to just begin noticing your breath. Notice your thought telling yourself "I am aware of my breath". That's it, just start there. A few minutes every day and you will begin to experience a shift in how you think, feel and experience your life each day. You will feel your mind slowing down, discovering the clarity of your thoughts and activating your inner genius. And best of all... this is where joy and happiness lives! Watch you'll see. Give it a try.

Need some help with the tricks and tools to unwinding? Schedule a call with me! 

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