Online Courses
Create Conscious Living Online!

Follow me on Facebook (@createconsciousliving) and Instagram (@the_sati_coach) for mindful living tools: meditation, breath work, movement, and intention setting.

Join me on the journey of greater health, wellness, and joy in every day of your life!

The 28 day program will guide you through tools for mind, body and spirit, and I am here to guide you along the way! You can begin at any time.

Now let's get living!!

IntenSati: Move your body, train your mind, exercise your spirit!

This series includes an high energy moves, meditation, music, mindfulness, and more.

Over 7 months, I will guide you in a journey through the chakras. Courses are all online and accessible at any time! 

Check it out on:


Meditation 101
Awaken the Mind, Body + Spirit
Let's talk, learn, and practice! We will explore: 
  • Mindfulness
  • How to practice meditation
  • Why meditation is 'better than medicine'
  • How the brain changes from the practice of meditation

New online courses on:


Mindstead courses provide you with bite-sized meditation practices for beginners. Topics include goal setting, releasing obstacles, and chakra-focused meditations. 


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